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Download Listings Tool Report

Access your eBay listings

Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

Frequently Asked Questions

How can the Download Listings tool benefit me?

The Optiseller eBay Listings Download tool provides the ability to easily collate & download your complete listings’ data for editing, or uploading to a new a seller tool or sales platform.

All listing data including Item Specifics will be downloaded in CSV file format for you.

  • All store listings, active & inactive.

  • All listing data including Item Specifics.

  • A downloadable data set to process.

Easily upload to other seller tools & marketplace sales platforms such as Amazon.

What types of data does it download?

The standard fields included are:

  • Site

  • StoreId

  • ItemId

  • SKU

  • Title

  • Price

  • SpecialPrice

  • Qty

  • HitCount

  • Watchers

  • QuantitySold

  • OutOfStock

  • Ebay_Category_1

  • Ebay_Category_2

  • Store_Category_1

  • Store_Category_2

  • Weight

  • Image

  • ProductEAN

  • ProductISBN

  • ProductUPC

  • ProductMPN

  • ProductGTIN

  • Description (option to choose this)

The download also includes a column for all Item Specifics that are specified on your listings. If you list in different categories with lots of different item specifics, the file will include all headings across all categories.

Does it support more than just eBay UK?

Yes it supports a number of eBay sites

Does the tool download descriptions as well?

You can optionally download description data & fitment data, however these will significantly increase the file size, and excel does not display the description data clearly inside one cell if it is very large due to the size. If you do not need description data, our advice would be to deselect.

Yes and it also supports the download of fitment/compatibility data for our P&A sellers too.

Can I be selective about the listings to download the data on?

Yes you can do this by choosing categories or you can choose by uploading item id’s.

Within the Download Listings tool, you have 3 options to choose from:

  1. Download All Listings

    If you select for example eBay UK from the drop-down menu, this will only download your eBay UK listings. This was added following customer demand, a very useful function.

  2. Download Selected Listings

    You upload a list of eBay item ID's via .csv or .txt format and this will download the data for only item ID's supplied.

  3. Download by Category

    The same category structure as our Category Lookup tool, you can choose as little or as many categories via this option. It will then download the data for only the categories you have chosen.

    Following the report being generated, the data is provided in CSV / Excel format and includes all of the key elements of your listing data.

The file will also include any compatibility data you may have on your listings if applicable.

To access Download Listings tool - signup for either Starter or Essential or Ultimate plans.

You can get a free trial on any of the above plans.

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