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Aspect Finder+ Insights

The importance of Item Specifics and how you can review and manage them with Aspect Finder+

Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Item Specifics?

  • Item Specifics are product attributes and descriptive keywords that tell a buyer about your item. They may include brand, size, length, width, height, type, colour or style and many more. The Item Specifics to you will vary depending on the products you sell.

  • Adding Item Specifics to your listings is essential to ensuring the right buyers can find your listings. These descriptive keywords tell a buyer about your item and help make sure your listings show up in a buyer's search results both on eBay and on external search such as Google.

  • by reviewing and managing your Item Specifics, and using eBay recommended values, your listings have a great chance of matching what buyers are searching for, in filtered searches, therefore, increasing your visibility in eBay and helping to drive more sales.

There are 4 types of Item Specifics:

  1. Required – must be completed to publish or update listings

  2. Required soon – will be newly required soon, complete them now

  3. Recommended – Optional but frequently used by buyers

  4. Additional – Optional not as frequently used but could still give you the edge

Why review and update your Item Specifics?

  • As you will often hear if you are serious about selling on eBay, completing all Item Specifics where applicable will greatly improve your visibility on eBay.

  • Completing the Required and Required Soon, Item Specifics is mandatory and this is just to get your listings to the bare minimum that eBay require as part of their mandates; so consider going above and beyond and populating as many relevant item specifics as possible.

  • To start work on your Item Specifics, you need to access how well the ones you have populated already are working. Reviewing these first will give you a better idea of the work you have ahead of you.

What are eBay Mandates?

How can I review my current eBay listings?

  • Using a tool such as Opitiseller's Aspect Finder+ can get you going quickly and effectively. Our tools will process your active listings to see which ones are missing items specifics and provide suggestions on the values we find which can be sent to eBay or downloaded to a file in the format of your choice.

What is Aspect Finder+ ?

  • Optiseller’s Aspect Finder + tool will review your listings for Item Specifics and highlight which ones are Required, Required Soon, Recommended and Additional. The tool will add any of the values to a file for you to update your listings with. Our latest Aspect Finder + new features make updating your Item Specifics quicker and easier than before with Bulk Updates.

How long does it take for Aspect Finder+ to generate a report?

  • The time it takes to generate a report varies depending on the size of the store and the current server volume.

  • The first stage for the tool is to download all the required data for the configured report. Larger stores will take longer for this process to be fulfilled, once the store's data is downloaded to Optiseller it will then begin the finding aspects stage. When finding aspects, the tool is comparing the store's current values for eBay compliance as well as assessing which missing values can be populated. In both cases the tool will make suggestions where possible.

  • In times of high demand for the service it will take longer for the report to be compiled. You do not need to leave the Optiseller window open while you wait. The report will continue to process, you will be notified by email once your report is ready.

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