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Optiseller Lite AI Title Suggester FAQs
Optiseller Lite AI Title Suggester FAQs

Frequently asked questions about Optiseller Lite Title Suggester

Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

Q: Why is the title returned a lower OptiRating than the existing title?

A: You must already have a decent title if our AI can’t improve it or maybe there is very little data in your listing, try adding more item specifics to your listing and running the AI again, remember, the more data the tool has the better the outcome will be.

Q: Where is the AI title generator in the listing wizard?

A: As the AI title generator requires data to build a title, we can’t use it yet in the wizard, watch this space from more generative AI though as we will be extending it soon.

Q: Can I still use the suggested titles if they are better than the AI generated titles?

A: Yes, you can use any title you want, simply select the suggested title and that will be sued over the AI title. If you have generated an AI title and don’t like it, you can replace it with your own typed out title and use that instead as well

Q: My AI generated title is less than 80 characters, what should I do?

A: You can edit and add in your own words to the title before you accept it, so try adding in some more words yourself, or alternately you can add some more item specifics to the listing to give the AI more data to work with and regenerate a title once saved.

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