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Unsold / Stale Items Report

Identify listings that are not selling and take action to improve the visibility and drive sales

Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over 6 months ago

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Unsold / Stale Items report?

Unsold (or Stale or Stagnant) items on eBay are listings that have been live for a period of time with little or no sales.

The unsold Items report will identify any of your listings that have seen little or no sales over a period of time, allowing you to review and take action to boost your sales.

We recommend that Unsold Listings are optimised by ensuring the correct category is selected, and the relevant info that drives sales in the category are present. Normally we recommend that the item is relisted also, as this will drive a boost in the search results which new items benefit from.

How can I use the Unsold Items report?

The report can help you breakdown your workload and prioritise areas to focus on. Boost your sales by running a report that shows you the listings that have seen little or no sales in the last 30 days or longer.

How do I get started?

The Unsold Items report is available in our Essential and Ultimate plans.

Click on the Unsold Items Report 'Start' button.

What does the Unsold Items report look like?

The report includes, Item ID, SKU, listing title (remember we can use up to 80 characters in our title), listing age (Days) and the quantity sold which can be sorted and filtered to identify the listings which would benefit from being optimised and improved before re-listing.

Can you provide additional insight on these listings?

Yes, we can provide a bespoke report that could include insights such as Price, Quantity Available, GTINS and SKUs if required - please get in touch if interested.

What plan is the report available on?

The Unsold Items Report is available in our Essential and Ultimate plans.

Actioning Stale listings within Optiseller Lite

Also, within our Optiseller Lite tool (available to Essential and Ultimate customers), also has a feature that will help you within eBay’s seller hub to identify, optimise and relist any underperforming or stale listings all within the eBay seller hub

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