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3rd Party File Exports

We have a number of 3rd Party File Exports

Michael avatar
Written by Michael
Updated over a week ago

Frequently Asked Questions

What file export options are there within Optiseller?

Within Aspect Finder+ you will see the 3rd party file export options.

File per category means you get separate csv files per each eBay category

All categories means you get one csv file containing all the data for all eBay categories.

  • Basic (file per category) – this is probably the most common format and it is easily manipulated to suit a myriad of different 3rd party providers for upload purposes.

  • eBay File Exchange – this is a file that is ready to be uploaded to eBay for file exchange (which is now deprecated) and the new Reports > Uploads section in eBay Seller Hub.

  • eBay MIP – this is a file that for sellers that use MIP, a feed based selling platform. This file is ready to upload to the Merchant Integration Platform (MIP).

  • Magento – this is a file that is tailored to the Magento system and ready to upload into Magento.

  • Maropost Commerce Cloud – this is a file that is suited to Maropost and ready to upload into the Maropost Commerce Cloud system.

  • In addition to this we released 4 new file export formats in October 2021, they are as follows:

  • Channel Advisor (BETA)

  • Linnworks (BETA)

  • Omnivore (BETA)

With our BETA formats we would very much welcome your feedback on these.

Can I use the file formats at a category level within Optiseller?

Sure you can export your within a specific category.

If you require a format that is not listed please contact us and we can work with you on this?

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