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Optiseller Backup & Recovery

Understand in detail how our backup & recovery service works

Raymond Booth avatar
Written by Raymond Booth
Updated over a week ago

With Optiseller’s Backup & Recover functionality, your data is safe with us, stored securely in the Optiseller vault.

How does the Backup function work?

Our Backup & Recover function is built into all Optiseller plans, and the functionality is available directly in your personal application homepage. As long as you have an active plan, we will action the backup in the background for FREE to save you needing to manually remember to do it every week.

Your listing data is safely stored within our vault using a symmetric encryption key as it is written to our Cloud storage. So you have peace of mind that all data is safely secured, think of it like an insurance policy!

And what about if the worst happens and you lose your eBay listing data?

So picture this, the day every eBay seller dreads has just happened, your listings have suffered data loss or dropped off the marketplace after spending a lot of time optimising them. Maybe if you are a smaller seller then it would not be a huge impact, but if you have 100 - 1000 or more listings, then this can have a major impact on your immediate selling forecasts.

That is where Backup & Recover steps in, and provides you the solution to recover your eBay listing data to re-upload to eBay. Phew!

Simply login to your Optiseller account, scroll down to the above tile in your homepage, and select ‘Request Data’.

You will then be presented with a list of data files with time stamps to choose from. Pick your time stamp and hit ‘Recover Data’.

Easy as that! Our team of data experts will then receive your request, and get to work straight away to pull your listing data into a standard SHR csv file that can be uploaded to eBay and get you back on track!

Important Details

Tokens / Linked Store

Optiseller will only be able to backup your listings data when we have an active token for your store. If your token is revoked or invalidated, we will let you know via email, but it is important that you login to re-authenticate your token asap. If you have any concerns or questions please get in touch.

Number of Listings

Optisellers fair use policy includes up to 150,000 listings. If you have more than this, then Optiseller will only backup up to 150,000 listings. If you require more than this, get in touch to discuss.

Paid Plans

Optiseller will only backup listings for active, paying users. If you cancel or pause your subscription, backups will not be included.

Dashboard Data

The backups are related to your eBay Store Performance dashboard data. If your dashboard data has not refreshed as expected while we monitor this, please let us know if you have any issues with this. As above, it is imperative that Optiseller always has an active, up to date token for your eBay account.

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